It’s been a long time since we made a public release, but we’ve been busy working on some HUGE features which we’re excited to announce today.

Union Rep Teams
The first inter-union competitions are here! Nominate players from you club, vote on lineups and game-plans, and battle it out in seasonal leagues with promotion and relegation. Upgrade the union stadium, and earn club rewards from up to 3 of the union’s rep teams. Read more on the wiki.

National Unions and International Leagues
A simplified version of club unions, but on a larger scale. All clubs in the game are now part of a National Union. We’ve introduced a 4-season international term, made up of 3 qualifier league seasons culminating in the Blackout Rugby World Cup every 4 seasons. Read more on the wiki.

Blackout Rugby World Cup
All nations started on 50.00 ranking points, and each will jostle for their place in the World Cup during qualifier seasons. There are 36 nations, but only the top 32 will take part in the world cup. Read more on the wiki.
The current season (Season 50) is the 3rd season in the 4 season term, which means next season will be the first ever Blackout Rugby World Cup!

2D Match View
We’ve replaced the original jersey view with a 2D top-down view to give a better overview of how your tactics play out over the whole field. The 3D experimental view remains, and while there are some improvements it is still a work in progress.

+ More
Various stability improvements — And some performance improvements too.
Player skill highlights — A long requested quality-of-life feature to help managers see at a glance the skills and attributes which matter most for a given player’s position.
There’s more to come! — We are working on some brand new card rarity tiers, a bump to the current club level cap, and a tweak to the league progression system to make it more fun and competitive during the climb.
Please report any issues to the #bugs channel in Discord and we’ll sort’em right out!

Out now on Android, iOS, and Steam!