Blackout Football Manager has entered closed testing! Wishlist on Steam Pre-signup is now available on the website. Discord Now Available The Discord server is now open. Be a Tester If you’d like to help with testing, please join the Discord and ask. See you in there!


We're building a series of sports management games for desktop and mobile, starting with Rugby. With more than a decade of experience we know the ins and outs of the manager game genre, and are excited to innovate. We want our users to experience the best there is to offer in sports manager games.
Blackout Rugby Manager is out now on mobile and desktop!
Latest Blog Posts
Level Cap Increased + New Training Features
Club Level Cap Increased The club level cap has been increased from 30 to 100 to provide plenty of room for growth through new league divisions. Go grab some more trophies! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 League Progression Update We’ve changed the league progression to create more challenge in higher division levels. Previously each division level contained a range […]
Game-Changing New Cards!
We’ve added a bunch of new cards yielding serious power to the beholder. New Card Rarities All existing cards in the game are now known as commons and foils. The new card tiers are uncommon, rare, epic, and of course, legendary. But be warned, these cards can be difficult to obtain. Read more on the […]
HUGE World Cup Update
It’s been a long time since we made a public release, but we’ve been busy working on some HUGE features which we’re excited to announce today. Union Rep Teams The first inter-union competitions are here! Nominate players from you club, vote on lineups and game-plans, and battle it out in seasonal leagues with promotion and […]