We wanted to update you all that the Steam page for Blackout Rugby is now available, and we would love it if you could please add us to your wish-list and follow the game so that we can boost our chances of appearing on the Steam home page when the game goes live! The game […]
Tactics, Game Plans and Attack Patterns – Part 2
Back again with part two of the examination of how tactics will work in the new game.
Tactics, Game Plans and Attack Patterns – Part 1
A manager creates game plans for his team, which are the blue-prints for how his team is going to play. A manager can create multiple game plans and save them, then for each match they play they will assign one of these game plans to that match, or if unassigned, their current default game plan will be used.
Anatomy of a Player
It’s time for a look at another aspect of the game – the anatomy of a player. In this post we will run through the skills and attributes that define a player, and also talk a little about how these are all trained. Attributes and Skills First off, it is important to understand the […]
Season Structure and Competitions
This is a quick blog post to give an overview of how the season is structured in the new game and what competitions clubs will be able to partake in.
Decks, Cards, Slots, Tokens, Pay-to-Win & Pay-for-Variety
Many in the BR community have talked about Pay-to-Win (PTW) and the new version, so we thought it time to discuss it. In this post we will explain a little about the card engine the game has added, and talk about tokens – how you get them and what they can be used for. Lastly we will talk about the business model, Pay-to-Win (PTW) and what we have coined Pay-for-Variety (PFV).