A brand new feature is fast approaching! And it’s one of our biggest ones yet.
Union Rep Teams

Rep Teams is an expansive new aspect to Blackout Rugby, which allows unions to pull together players from different clubs to create a super team. These teams can play against other union rep squads in divisions much like a league. They can also bring rewards for the union like XP, as well as rewards for the individual clubs like club cash, normal and epic cards, tokens, and more. The better the rep team does and the more it wins, the better the rewards for the union and club members.

Club managers have the ability to nominate and vote on individual players for the rep squad, as well as tactics for each fixture.

Every club within the union has 10 nomination slots, one per position. Players and tactics with the most votes will be played in the match.


All union rep teams play in division leagues. Though, unlike traditional leagues, rep team leagues consist of only four rep teams. These matches are played on Wednesdays and Sundays in the home side’s time zone.
There are 5 divisional levels, with all rep teams beginning at level 1. At the end of each season, rep teams play off to determine whether they are promoted, or relegated.
Players receive no long-term injuries from rep team matches, and all players in the squad are considered to be at max health at the beginning of the match. Their form, however, is the same as the form they have in their club.
We’ll be showing off additional details about rep teams in the near future, as there’s a lot of depth to cover! Stay tuned for this exciting new side to Blackout Rugby which will take unions to a whole new level!

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