Our progress behind the scenes is slowly beginning to see the light of day! We’ve now released the first iteration of our 3D Match Viewer to the public release, as a new way to spectate your fixtures, but also as an insight into our progress with Blackout Rugby.
Now you can see your beloved team in-game! Kicking conversions, scoring tries, and making legendary plays.

Just the Beginning
We’d like to emphasize the ‘experimental’ detail in this post, as this mode is still in the early stages of production. There are a limited amount of animations, so things might look a bit static for the moment, but we’re only just getting started with this function.
What you see is very, very far from the final product, as we’ve got some exciting developments underway, including motion capture, and some big surprises down the road. Think of this mode as an insight into the future of the match view, as opposed to the final product. We hope you stick with us as we develop the Match 3D engine further, along with the rest of Blackout Rugby.

How do I turn on Experimental Mode?
The Experimental Mode is available in the 3D match viewer. To active it, simply enter a match and toggle the ‘experimental’ switch below the scoreboard. This mode is optional, so you can keep using the existing match viewer if you prefer.

We hope that you enjoy this feature, and we thank you for sticking with us as we continue to polish Blackout Rugby.

Out now on Android, iOS, and Steam!